Is sniffing used panties your dirty, little secret? Well, it's time to step out from the shadows because it's 2023, and your secret is anything but dirty panty sniffing fetish. In fact, science has found some evidence claiming this inclination is a normal response to those enticing female pheromones.
However, the reactions you might get from other people when you openly proclaim your panty sniffing fetish is a whole 'nother story. As always, general society is way behind when it comes to modern scientific discoveries and even further away from being open about s**.
But if you want to dive into details and understand why someone gets turned on by the vagina scent while others just turn away, keep reading. We are going to talk some more about sniffing used panties and why you should definitely give them a whiff (if you haven't already).
There's a story saying Napoleon Bonaparte wrote this line in a letter to his wife, Joséphine: "I will return in three days. Don't wash!" The jury is still out on what the famous French emperor meant by that. But the letter's romantic nature indicates that Napoleon wasn't one to turn away his delicate nose from an intense body odour. Maybe we could even go out on a limb, saying it turned him on.
And he is not the only one! Dusty and less visited annals of history are filled with stories of men getting in trouble for trying to smell ladies (who were not their wives) or their undergarments. But where does this strange desire come from? And is it really that strange in the first place?
According to science, animals also have a habit of smelling each other's genitals. The practice is normal for finding a mate and ultimately starting the reproduction process. The reason why certain members of the animal kingdom (mammals) and the human race especially enjoy the sniffing part is pheromones.
Pheromones are chemical scents that people and animals exude to help attract a partner. But while pheromones have a significant role in wildlife, scientists are not really sure about their purpose in humans. Apparently, people don't even have an organ to process them. Yet, humans give them off — through the skin, sweat, ur*ne, and vaginal secretion — and yes, we also subconsciously find them appealing.
Some experts believe that a person's pheromones include unique info about their health, strength, and fertility. People unconsciously recognize that while seeking a s**ual partner.
To confirm that, there was an experiment where men were given women's used shirts to smell. They were asked to point to the ones that appealed most to them. The majority of participants found the shirts women wore in the fertile stage of ovulation most pleasant smelling. Thanks to pheromones, of course.
However, it's not just men that can't resist a healthy dose of pheromones. Ladies also go s**-crazy around this natural love potion. When exposed to pheromones, both men and women feel their mood, attention, and emotional processing improve. Women also have a higher s**ual reaction and are more likely to reach orgasm.
All in all, a panty sniffing fetish is considered bromidrophilia. Bromidrophilia is a paraphilia in which a person finds people's natural body scents to be the most enticing s**ual stimulation possible. And with pheromones in the game, who could blame them?
While the studies regarding the panty sniffing fetish are relatively new, the practice itself is anything but. In fact, ladies across centuries have used the special allure their vaginal juices seem to have on the opposite s** to their advantage. Some historical records claim that women used to dabble this "natural perfume" on the chest, neck, and behind ears to manipulate men into finding them more attractive.
In any case, vaginas produce liquid, and that liquid contains pheromones that call out to men like beacons. For this reason, sniffing used panties might be a more acceptable (read human) way of smelling a potential partner's genitals, just like animals do. Although generally frowned upon by society, smelling underwear could be a natural way of finding the most suitable partner. That is, if the knickers you have your nose in belong to an adult and are given to you with consent.
With millennials slowly taking the stage, there's a solid hope that the panty sniffing fetish will lose its "filthy" and "pervert" tags. That is because new generations are more accepting of different s**ual affinities and niches. They also understand the science behind them better and are ready to use it to their advantage.
For instance, resourceful millennials invented a new form of sp**d dating based solely on pheromones and their matchmaking abilities. Basically, participants bring with them a three-day-old T-shirt in a plastic bag. Each bag gets a number and is placed randomly around the room. Attendees then go around, smelling their way to the ideal partner.
The idea behind these pheromone parties is to try to find a suitable mate based on how they smell to you. Weird? Perhaps. But it's also backed up by science, so it might be worth a shot.
But if both s**es emit pheromones, why don't we see more women sniffing used panties from their male partners? Although there probably are ladies out there who enjoy an occasional whiff or two, panty sniffing fetish is usually a male thing. That is because men and women produce different kinds of pheromones. Also, it just so happens that the vaginal ones are way more potent.
They are called copulins and are the strongest in fertile women. Copulins are pheromones found in the vagina liquid. They are the reason men become aroused when sniffing used panties. The name itself comes from the effect they have on male s**ual desire.
In fact, copulins have a mind-control impact on guys, lowering their resistance. These extremely potent hormones can physically change the male hypothalamus and cause men to behave in ways they otherwise wouldn't.
For example, when they get a whiff of the copulin-rich vagina, men get a testosterone surge of up to 150%. That causes them to feel more attractive. At the same time, it makes all women around them appear more physically beautiful than usual.
In plain words, copulins make men want to have s** with any lady in sight as soon as possible. Smelling used panties, which are essentially copulin storage units, has the same effect.
Generally speaking, as sensory beings, men are more visually and olfactorily inclined than women. At the same time, women have all the necessary means to appeal to those inclinations. For instance, delicious curves or intricate vaginal juices. So, who can blame men for wanting to put their noses in used panties and get their lungfuls of the natural love potion?
But giving in to these natural tendencies at all costs can get you in trouble. That was perfectly demonstrated by many unfortunate fellows who ended up in the local newspapers for stealing panties. So, you need to think things through and find a place where you can acquire used knickers discreetly and, more importantly, safely.
Luckily, Kinkie can help you with that. Here you will find countless adult women willing to let you have their panties saturated with the vagina juice — for a price. So, if you're looking for a quick whiff to awaken your primal senses, the panties on Kinkie will lead you back to the stone age and wake the true animal in you.
Sniffing used panties is a natural tendency, not too different from other mammals smelling each other's genitals. While it sounds a bit gross, the scent is actually very appealing, thanks to vaginal pheromones, like copulins. Copulins usually put men in a s** frenzy, making them feel good about themselves and all the ladies around. It's basically Mother Nature's way of helping them find the right partner to mate with.
Unfortunately, panty sniffing fetish, no matter how backed up by science and facts, is still considered "filthy" in a way. So, to enjoy it without facing judgment, you should find a safe haven, a place filled with other used underwear lovers — at least while you wait for the general society to catch up. Kinkie is a site where you can meet people with the same pa**ion for sniffing used panties. There you will find plenty of pheromones that could be yours for a price!
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